Labels can be confusing...

The human minds are excellent at the US I got called white girl a me those labels are jokes, I don't care to label your skin color...I care to label you as a good or bad person, like or don't like.

So to the label "white people"....I asked
-"What constitutes being "white"?"
-"Obviously a person with white skin"
-"So an arab is a white person?"
-"?...I  think they have white skin"
-"Nahh, they are something else"

I still don't know where that "label boundary" is, but not sure I need to, just curious how people see it...

To the label "brown people"

So my Mexican American girlfriends sit and joke:
-"Brown people have sooo many kids and....bla bla"
-"Brown people? mean black people?"
-"No, brown people, like us...beaners haha" Point to her skin
-"I have never ever heard that label and your skin is kinda white, I'm more brown than you girl"
-"My skin is olive"
-"Yupp and I'm not a brunette...I'm Hazelnut"

I'm highly confused by all these skin labels...all these shades of a hair about we go by light, medium, dark...small, medium, big...naiv, more naiv, most naiv...