Bite the bullet...

I don't call this move back home something I did was more of a have to. I miss my "home", I miss the sun and all the scenery. Sun, palm trees and people accepting retarded me is the very happy foundation for my life to function it seems. Now it's all changed and people think I should suck it up...huh?...I get that suck it up can apply to a situation, but it sure as hell should not apply to your life fuckers...

Then they are those people that understand, so a very understandable guy friend wrote that it's called "transition anxiety", big, quick changes like moving, the brain have a hard time adjusting and so you lose ground. Even your mind has a certain daily life routine and raise flags now that it's too much to cope with.

As confused as I am right now, I do believe in FATE...hopefully it will take me somewhere that I'm ment to be...