The guy with the three sisters...

T deicided it was time for LA vacation people to have a reunion :) Great food, great wine, rosé beer, cider...yeah I did not stop drinking, but it was all fun when we had a LA photo run through with her LA playlist (makes me miss thou) and then just being all retarded ending up with them commenting on my friends cool in on youtube and had Cali Swag teach us how to Dougie..conclusion, damn we are "white" lol...

My brother got known in the Casino as the guy with the three sisters lol...we might have been a little distracting supporting our little brother ;)

T have painted her hall way New York style...although not a fan of pink, it look fucking awsome.

Her cosy place makes me long for the day I have my own place again, but I'm not sure I feel like living alone, kind of boring now that I'm used to living with somebody. Tripped and bounced off that mini couch was sooo soft catching my fall and sending me to the floor.