House wife baby steps :P

 After a couple of days I had to do laundry. My mom pointed me in the right direction "I think it's that door"...think? Apparently dad happily does the laundry now that he doesn't fix on the house they sold. Improvised on where to hang the laundry mom actually got impressed instead of irritated I turned her living room into this...happy I was doing something...

And then I cooked for her :)...potato gratin and filé with peppersauce...she wasn't late to join in on the wine lol...

"No mom, is was absolutely no problem at all finally unpacking after a week"...Laundry still in the basket...the rest I showed in the wardrobes...the bags of clothes...still in the corner. What's the point, I'm to fatty bom bom to wear it all anyway...

Then I cooked again...gonna take out the worst carbs like pasta and stuff, so I just made Chili con Carne with black beans and pepper...It was yummy :) My mom complained like a little kid to grandma on the phone "Lina won't let me eat carbs today"...Buhu...there is carbs in beans...I think...but she liked it :)

 And finally as a spontaneous indoor adventure I was gonna go up to the attic for the first time and check on all my stuff...woho...let's go...thought I would be scary, but there was a light switch and a whole other floor up moving boxes ain't in the way...