My biggest IKEA shopping ever...

My job was as an interior designer, putting furniture into a 10 bedroom house. So off to IKEA and buy stuff for 100 000kr. We needed a BIG f-in truck. First I was like, I'm getting paid to shop, later it was can we just be done and get out of here...

 The second round it was only 5, but the first round it was 25 haha...I skillfully drove these five through IKEA...woop woop...

My boss didn't feel safe with me driving and I was like why...Apparently he thought I was close to ramming cars in the roundabouts, I mean they flow, it's almost not possible...then he added that I dont read the signs..."I dont have my glasses"..."You wear glasses?"..."Nope, just ADD"...and then that I'm driving to fast...the speed signs are more like guidelines anyway, you know like the pirate code.